Spring Clean Up Weekend! Please review the graphic below, let your friends and neighbors know, and help spread the word.
As always, this service is provided for residential trash customers of the Town of Daleville ONLY.
Do not be alarmed if they pick up a neighbor’s trash and then leave town for a few. They have to make frequent trips back and forth to the dump in order to pick up all of the extra bulky items. When deciding what to put at the curb vs. what to dispose of another way or take to the dumpster yourself, we have provided some tips for you:
- Is it larger than a sheet of plywood (4ftx8ft)? If yes, take to the dumpster. If not, leave it at the curb!
- Is it hazardous waste (Plasma TVs, paint thinner, dead animals, lots of liquids)? If yes, take it to a special disposal company. (It does not belong at the curb or in a dumpster)
- Can 1-2 grown adults lift it? If yes, leave it at the curb. If not, take it to the dumpster!
If you are disposing of glass, it MUST BE in a box, taped shut, and GLASS must be written on the box.
When dropping items off at dumpster locations, please be aware these areas are monitored by employees and/or surveillance. It is ILLEGAL to leave items sitting outside of the dumpster. This is considered littering, and those in violation may receive fines. The dumpsters fill up quickly, and while our maintenance crew works diligently to mash things down throughout the weekend, you are advised to utilize the dumpsters as early as possible to ensure there is enough room.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office.