Town History
The “Newest Town” in Indiana
On the 10th of November 1838, the town of Daleville was laid out and platted by Revolutionary War veteran Alexander Campbell Dale, more commonly known as “Campbell Dale.” He was 82 years old at the time and a rugged pioneer with a scant education; yet, he had a keen sense of thrift and foresight.
The first entry of land was January 10, 1827 for 320 acres at $1.25 per acre. The entire family was living on this land in Delaware County by 1830.

Campbell Dale died in January of 1841 at the age of 85. He is buried in the Dale Cemetery which is located at the east end of Sorghum Street behind the home of Robert Smith. Campbell Dale is buried there along with his wife, Elizabeth Dale and their daughter Hannah Rhoda Dale Leathers, although their markers no longer exist.